I've seen a few other bloggers participating in the What's Up Wednesday monthly linkup, and it looks fun, so I'm joining in this month!
2. What I'm Reminiscing About: Taking Charli to the fair with my parents when she was little - maybe around 1.5 years old? Since Mom and I took her to the fair a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about it and how we had to change her diaper in a historical building while she was screaming. Fun times! This was also the first time any of us have been to the fair since we lost dad, and since he loved it, we talked about him too.
3. What I'm Loving: Charli's independence! Although sometimes it's tough when she gets frustrated doing certain things, I'm seeing this independence more and more each day, and it's so cool to see her work through things on her own!
4. What We've Been Up To: Decluttering and cleaning thanks to help from my aunt and grandma, going to the fair, first grade math homework (ugh), gymnastics and Girl Scouts for Charli - August has been busy!!
5. What I'm Dreading: I can't think of anything I'm dreading right now!
6. What I'm Working On: Finishing tagging items for an upcoming consignment sale (I always procrastinate!!), the never-ending process of decluttering and cleaning, finding and sticking to side hustles
7. What I'm Excited About: Life changes! =)
8. What I'm Watching/Reading: I need to catch up on all of the episodes of America's Got Talent that I have recorded. I'm sure the season has probably ended or is about to at this point, so at least I can get through all of it at once! I also need to start on my Marvel list too! I'm reading books on my Erin 17.0 book challenge list, plus children's books for a potential side project I've been mulling over.
9. What I'm Listening To: "Top Hits" on Spotify in an attempt to know at least a little bit of music from this decade.
10. What I'm Wearing: Lounge clothes or old comfy dresses whenever I can!!
11. What I'm Doing This Weekend: Going to Charli's Girl Scouts event, swimming, working to implement some routines, decluttering, making a few things on the ol' Cricut, cleaning, and enjoying an extra day thanks to Labor Day
12. What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month: Football and (maybe) cooler weather! Although in Tennessee, fall usually takes its sweet time to get here and stick around!
13. Favorite Amazon Product Of The Month: Since I've been in consignment tagging mode, it's gotta be the 100 pack of hangers that I'm quickly using up! FYI - that is an affiliate link, so if you click on it and purchase hangers or something way more fun on Amazon, I'll make a few pennies from your purchase, which I will then use to save towards more hangers for the next consignment sale...
What's up with you? How has your August been? It's felt like it's only been about 15 minutes long here...