Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday Weigh In: Week 5

This week I'm down...

1.8 pounds!

Woo hoo! I made up for last week plus a little extra. That's always nice!

Now for a little confession. I had a bit of a breakdown yesterday. There's someone I know who started her health journey at the end of July, and she's already lost 13 pounds. I really started hitting it at the beginning of August, and I'm only down 6ish pounds. I got so frustrated wondering why my progress was so slow, what I should do differently, etc, and I may have sent one of my gym's owners a crazy Facebook message telling her about everything I do wrong and asking why those things have caused me not to lose as much weight as the other girl. Sigh. So, for anyone out there who is reading this and working to lose weight, don't worry if you have crazy jealousy days because it happens to everyone! Also, my trainer said not to compare myself to anyone else. I think this is an important lesson because I compare myself to others in a lot of ways- weight loss, marriage age, clothing, etc- but this is ridiculous. God created me to be me not anyone else. I know that's a bit simplistic, but if I can keep that in mind, maybe the comparison game won't seem as fun anymore.

Anyway. Confession time is over, and I feel better now! Now, for some stats!

Starting weight: 167 pounds
Current weight: 160.6 (so close to being out of this number range!!)
Goal weight: 125 pounds

Hope everyone has a great week!

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