Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013: A Year in Review

I know everyone is saying this, but can you believe it's the last day of 2013?!? This has been a big year for me! I got married, we got a puppy (my first dog!), and I turned 30. Phew!

I've also become more consistent about posting (or at least, I'm trying to anyway). On Thursday, I'll share my posting goals for 2014, including at least one series that I have in the works.

And for fun, here are some blog statistics:

I started this blog on June 9, 2009.

My most read post was the first entry of the 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life series. That's the first entry I linked to my Facebook account, so that's no coincidence!

The post with the highest number of comments was Blog Every Day in May: May 11 where I had to sell myself in 10 words or less.

My least read post was actually a two way tie between this one and this one.

The most fun post to write was 'Twas the Night Before Finals.

I have published 132 posts (including this post).

I have 7 more posts sitting in my Drafts folder.

I have approximately 15 million more ideas for posts in 2014, give or take a couple.

Hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve and New Year's Day! Stay safe! =)

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