Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Tiptoeing Back Into Blogging

Why hello.

How's everyone been for the last...two years?

Some things have changed in our world. I'm back working in an elementary school again. This time I'm a library assistant instead of a librarian, and although it's a lot easier, I'm still not sure if I'm made for the school world (except for when there are breaks, like right now, then this is THE BEST JOB EVER).

My husband is at a warehouse for a pet company and likes it most of the time. Our daughter is 8 and in third grade now, which seems unbelievable to me, especially after going back and reading through the archives on here. Our dog is 11 and still acts like an overgrown puppy. Last night he got a paper out of my work bag and one of our daughter's boots when we weren't giving him all of the attention he so richly deserves. That dog...

I'm not sure what's made me want to start blogging again, but I've had the urge a lot lately and decided to finally jump back in. Of course that also means that I've got 800 tabs open from blogs I used to read, linkup ideas, and another new blog that I want to start. Go big or go home, right? 

(Wait, does that phrase actually work here, since I'm at home writing it? Discuss amongst yourselves.)

I'm working on a posting schedule, so it shouldn't be another 2 years before my next update. 

How's everyone been? Let me know what's new in your lives!

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