Ever think "if I just had more money, a bigger house, a better job, ________, life would be better?" You're definitely not alone if you have! Everyone has fallen for an "empty promise" at least once in his or her life, but those who succeed are the ones who can break free of these lies and learn to live fulfilled lives without falling into the empty promise trap.
Wilson, a pastor at Nashville's Cross Point Church, has a a lot of valid points and is definitely knowledgeable about the topics he has written about, but I found myself distracted while reading this. Sometimes I didn't feel like the book was cohesive and there was a little bit of jumping around. I also found myself wishing that he would revisit some of the stories he talked about in the book so readers could find out how those people fared. For example, he talked about one man who was so distraught over the loss of his job that he told Wilson he wanted to end his life. I assumed the man was okay (or else his story wouldn't have been included in the book), but I would've like to have known more about the people that Wilson introduced. However, overall it was enjoyable, and I would recommend it, particularly to anyone who has ever fallen for any of the "empty promises" that he talks about.
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