Monday, September 21, 2020

Fresh start for fall


It's time for me to dust off this ol' blog.

(No, this has nothing to do with the fact that I messed up my Wordpress blog by not renewing the domain and having a weird URL redirect set up that I can't figure out how to undo). 

So, what's changed in my life since 2014*? Not much...just a couple of career changes, moving to another house, celebrating more anniversaries with my husband, keeping our doggo alive, and the little task of raising our daughter, who was born in 2016!


I haven't been writing much on the blog that shall not be named. I haven't been super motivated, and like most people this year, I've been in a funk. But, recently I decided that I am in charge of my attitude and shaping my life into what I want it to look like. I make the decisions about what I want to do, who I want to surround myself with, and how I spend my time. Of course, there are things that I must do, and I have to be respectful to my family, but I have to pursue things that make me happy.

Wow. That's a pretty deep and rambling way to say, "I felt like blogging again."

Here are my goals for this space :

  1. Clean up/delete/hide old posts - Some of my old posts are just clutter that are taking up space on here. Since I've been reading approximately 17,000 books about clutter lately, I want to unclutter this space.

  2. Figure out what I want to use this space for - I think I want to make this a space for writing random posts about marriage and motherhood, joining linkups, book reviews, and sharing some of my at-home side-hustles. I'm open to suggestions though! 

  3. Make and stick to a posting schedule - Part of being more organized is actually creating a schedule and sticking to it. There are so many content creators who stress the importance of creating a manageable schedule and sticking to it, rather than making big, lofty goals about how often you're going to make something new. I'm so, so, so, so bad about having an all or nothing mindset, so I'll tell myself that if I can't post 8 days a week, I might as well not do it at all. That's ridiculous. Some beats none any day.

  4. Earn a few pennies - There's no shame in wanting to make a little ad revenue. Help a girl out here. Iced coffee and Hatchimals get expensive...
If you're still with me, thanks for reading! As I get things more solidified, I'll share my plans here. I know you'll be waiting on pins and needles until then! 

*I haven't published original content on here since 2014, but I'm in the process of bringing my Wordpress posts over here, so it'll look like I've been way more active on here. Fascinating, right?

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