Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Amber Can Read : May 2022 Edition
Monday, June 13, 2022
10 on the 10th : June 2022
Continuing my streak of getting back into blog series' and linkups that I haven't done in a while, I present 10 on the 10th for the first time since January 2021!
(Or, as I like to call this linkup, 10 on whatever date the second Monday of the month is! Ha!)
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Sentence A Day : May 2022
I haven't posted a Sentence a Day recap since January 2021! Even though so, so many things have changed in that time frame, it's good to post this again as kind of a journal for the month that just wrapped up. Enjoy reading about our May!
1 - One of Charli's friends had a birthday party at a trampoline place, and my legs are tired!
2 - I'm not sore today like I thought I would be, considering my jumping yesterday!
3 - No school today because of local elections
4 - Happy Star Wars Day!
5 - Koopa joined me in the messy basement today since it was storming, and he looked so pitiful!
6 - Will and I went shopping for Teacher Appreciation Week while Charli had a sleepover with Gran!
7 - Mother's Day lunch with Will's mom this afternoon, and then another birthday party at one of her friend's houses this evening!
8 - Will and Charli made it a great Mother's Day for me! :)
9 - Consignment drop off and kickoff of Teacher Appreciation Week means I haven't slept enough this weekend!
10 - Forgot to write my sentence today, so I can't really remember anything about today...
11 - ...Or today either!
12 - Charli fell on the track at school and scraped her chin and knee - poor girl!
13 - Field Day, and Charli said it was so much fun!!
14 - Will's stepdad and mom came over so he could fix our air conditioning; really glad to have his skills, especially before summertime!!
15 - Lazy Sunday at home!
16 - Mom and I went to consignment pickup and had to go back because we forgot things...oops!
17 - Don't really remember anything about today!
18 - Went into the office today and of course, I spilled food on my white shirt at lunchtime!
19 - Had a Mexican Pizza tonight, and it was not quite as good as I remembered!
20 - Can't really remember anything about today except that it was Friday!
21 - Birthday party at the zoo for one of my cousin's children, then pizza afterwards made for some hot and tired people in this house!
22 - Charli and I stayed home today since Will had to work and we were exhausted!
23 - Recognition day and family picnic at Charli's school today, and it was so cute to see her skipping across the gym to get her certificate!
24 - This Is Us was so good tonight; I'm going to miss it!!
25 - Last day of school; goodbye Kindergarten and hello summer!!
26 - We let Charli have a "yes day," and she chose Chick Fil A, a new toy at Target, looking at appliances at Best Buy, then wanted to go back to my mom's house to play!
27 - Went to an eye appointment for Charli, got a refund on recalled peanut butter at Sam's Club and ate lunch there, and visited a new (to her) playground.
28 - Going inside the grocery store makes me realize why I prefer ordering online...
29 - Cheekwood with Mom and Charli was so fun!!
30 - Memorial Day at Mom's house and time outside.
31 - Back to work, and wow, it was hard to focus today!
I didn't touch on the tragedy in Texas during this post. As the mother of an elementary school student, and the daughter of an educational assistant in that same school, I was devastated and sickened by what happened. I'm looking into local advocacy groups and researching ways that I can take action rather than just sitting in my feelings. I hope we can do better as a country for all of our kids.
(I'm not sure if this is still a linkup, but if I find out it is, I'll come back and update this part!).
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Currently : June 2022
Giving : Our budget another look...we are so bad about sticking to it and working on our financial goals, so I'm going through it again to see where our weak spots are and why we have trouble. Wish me luck!
Taking : A data analytics course. I have been interested in the idea of it for a while, so I'm taking a free course to learn more and see if this is a career option I want to explore since I've felt kind of lost over the last couple of years, career-wise (well, okay, I've felt kind of lost about a lot of other things too but one thing at a time, right?!?).
Trying : To figure out what all we're doing with Charli this summer! We want her to take swim lessons (but I may have waited too late to find some because they all seem to be booked up), and then there's summer reading activities at all of the libraries in our county, a couple of different classes at the local park, plus cheap movies. Phew! We also want to explore our area a little more. Mom, Charli, and I went to Cheekwood on Sunday, and we had a ton of fun but didn't have time to see everything! Plus, the zoo has a nighttime lights thing this summer that seems super fun. I'm worn out just typing all of this, and I won't even get to participate in everything with her!
Wearing : Comfy dresses or leggings and oversized shirts. Living that remote work life! ;)
Linking up with Anne!