Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Sentence A Day : January 2021

Now that we're in a new month, it's time to recap January, a sentence (or two) at a time! I'm trying something new for this recap and linking the blog posts I published in brackets at the end of the sentence on the days they were published. Let me know if you like it, or if it's just annoying self-promotion...or both! 

1 - Happy 2021! We went to Target today to get a couple of things with gift cards, then Mom bought us coffee, and gave Char Christmas money from my grandma!

2 - Char's Christmas money from yesterday was enough to buy her a Paw Patrol toy that she didn't get for Christmas but HAD TO HAVE so back to Target we went; also, lots of fussing from her today, so I hope she isn't getting sick!

3 - Will and Char went to his mom and stepdad's house today, and I stayed home and barely did anything...oops!

4 - First Monday of the new year; let's go! [Monthly Goals : January 2021]

5 - Welcome back, This Is Us! [Sentence A Day : December 2020]

6 - What a day. (But on a positive note - happy birthday to my dad!) [Currently : January 2021]

7 - In an effort to distract myself from...everything, I spent most of the night reading, and it was wonderful!

8 - Ugh, insomnia yet again...

9 - We did quite a bit of grocery shopping today, and now our Christmas freezer is full!

10 - Thankful for my husband painting the wall of my little corner of the basement so I look more official on camera during meetings, plus thankful to Char for helping me make a quiche for breakfast this week!

11 - My parents took Char to her annual cleft surgery follow-up, and the doctor said no nose surgery!!! We're so relieved!!! (This is definitely worth an extra sentence!) [10 on the 10th : January 2021]

12 - Surprise meeting at work and extra projects have my brain feeling tired! [Amber Can Read : December 2020 Edition]

13 - Whew, sometimes I wonder how our daughter's teenage years are going to be...

14 - Manicure and pedicure for the little girl tonight! 

15 - Dollar Tree had some really cute things for our tiered tray (that I need to take pictures of)!

16 - Picked up Char from her sleepover, got lunch, then spent a lazy afternoon at home; why are couch naps on Saturday afternoons so good?!?

17 - Neither football team I chose won today; I think I should stop choosing teams...

18 - I took a walk at lunch today, and wow, I definitely have some work to do!!

19 - Another walk and more sore legs; I miss the days when I was in shape! 

20 - Welcome President Biden and Vice-President Harris; despite our political differences, I hope we can all agree on how amazing it is to finally have a woman in a high-ranking office!!

21 - New projects at work are kind of fun but taxing to the brain!

22 - I forced Koopa to take selfies with me, and it was entertaining!

23 - Ran a couple of errands today, including getting Char some Wendy's since she had been asking for food from there all day!

24 - Sunday at home relaxing and planning for the week!

They were supervising Will to make sure he took the trash out correctly...

25 - Rainy, blah Mondays make me so tired!!

26 - Just a regular old Tuesday in these parts.

27 - Helped out sorting at the warehouse for work today, and wow am I exhausted and out of shape!!!

28 - I am so sore today; I need to move around more often!

29 - I felt so unmotivated and unable to focus today; good thing it's Friday!

30 - Rainy, blah Saturdays also make me tired!

31 - Lazy Sunday at home to wrap up the end of January!

How was your January? Are you glad to be in a new year, or does it feel like month 13 of 2020? 

Linking up with Leslie!


Natasha said...

It absolutely feels like month 13 of 2020 :) And weekend naps are the best. I've been trying to get more exercise lately too and wow, do I feel it in my legs. Ugh.

Joanne said...

Yay for no nose surgery! I often try to distract myself by reading; if I can get lost in a book I can forget just about everything going on around me.

Wildflower Adventures said...

Happy New Year! I enjoy those Saturday afternoon naps myself, occasionally. I've had achy legs to due to sciatica. I think the more I sit, rest & read the worse my legs hurt sometimes. Karen

onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com said...

So glad to have you back blogging with us for Sentence a Day. Cannot believe how big Char has grown. Love the mani pic and seeing her in her very own chair.

Hope you have had a healthy, happy February. Will look forward to reading about this month.