Thursday, November 7, 2013

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life: Day 1 (Discipline is a Choice)

Lately I've been feeling lazy. I wake up every morning with the best intentions to do A, B, C, and D, but usually by the end of my day, I just plop down on the couch and waste time playing Candy Crush or watching mediocre TV with my husband. There's nothing wrong with relaxing, but I'm starting to realize that I lack discipline in my life. I read a review on another blog (can't remember which one, unfortunately) about a book by Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom called 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life, and I had to have it! The book has 21 tasks that help you build your discipline muscles and actually get things done, rather than just writing about it!

So today, I'm starting on Day 1. Coincidentally, by starting today, I will complete her 3 week program on Thanksgiving, so I'll be able to carry my new found discipline into the crazy holiday season!

Here's something that stood out to me on page 4:
"Discipline is doing what you know needs to be done, even though you don't want to."

Ugh. It's like she's talking to me here!

Today's exercise is to choose one small project that's been nagging at me for the last few weeks or months and start and complete it in the next 24 hours. I'll report back on what project I chose tomorrow, along with Day 2's task.

Also, if anyone is interested in following along, here is the series on her blog: There are a few differences in the eBook, but from what I skimmed on the blog and in the book, a lot of it looks the same.

Here's to discipline!

(Note: I'm doing this completely on my own. No review copy or requirement to blog; I just wanted to make some changes!)

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